ePublished: 01 Dec 2012
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J Renal Inj Prev. 2012;1(1): 43-45.
doi: 10.12861/jrip.2012.15
PMID: 25340104
PMCID: PMC4205974
  Abstract View: 2977
  PDF Download: 1792

Short Communication

Protective effect of high dose short term statin therapy with normal saline in prevention of contrast-induced nephropathy among iodixanol-receiving patients

Houshang Sanadgol 1, Siavosh Abdani 1*, Peyman Tabatabaiee 1, Mehdi Mohammadi 2

1 Department of Internal Medicine, Zahedan University of Medical Sciences, Zahedan, Iran
2 Faculty of Health, Zahedan University of Medical Sciences, Zahedan, Iran
*Corresponding Author: *Corresponding author: Siavosh Abdani, Department of Internal Medicine, Zahedan University of Medical Sciences, Zahedan, Iran. , Email: siavoshabdani@yahoo.com


Contrast media agents are applied for various diagnostic imagines, however, contrast-induced nephropathy (CIN) limits its usage. Statins have been found to prevent CIN via various mechanisms. However, study regarding the beneficial property of simvastatin as a kind of statin is scarce. This study was aimed to evaluate the efficacy of high dose short term statin therapy against nephrotoxicity of iodixanol. 194 patients were divided equally to control and statin-treated groups. Control group (placebo) received normal satin before and after angiography and statin-treated patients received simvastatin (80 mg/day) plus normal saline before and after angiography. Simvastatin and normal saline were started 12 hours before to 12 hours after the procedure, and serum creatinine before and two consecutive days after procedure were assessed. Estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) was calculated using modification of diet in renal disease (MDRD ) method. In the first 24 hours after procedure, there was no difference between two groups, however after 48 hours of treatment, a significant difference for eGFR between two groups with more values in statin treated group was observed (p=0,002). Prophylactic administration of statins along with hydration may be associated with less contrast-induced nephropathy.

Implication for health policy/practice/research/medical education:
Prophylactic administration of statins along with hydration may be associated with protective effects against contrast-induced nephropathy.

Please cite this paper as: Sanadgol H, Abdani S, Tabatabaiee P, Mohammadi M. Protective effect of high dose short term statin therapy with normal saline in prevention of contrast-induced nephropathy among iodixanol-receiving patients. J Ren Inj Prev 2012; 1(1): 43-45.
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