Introduction: Methanol intoxication and subsequence acute kidney injury (AKI) can be dangerous and deadly in case of a missed or delayed diagnosis; therefore, identifying its prevalence and predictor factors is necessary.
Objectives: This study was conducted to identify the prevalence and predictor factors of AKI in methyl alcohol-intoxicated patients.
Methods and Materials: The search strategy was conducted with the standard keyword in the international database, including Web of Science, Scopus, PubMed /Medline, Embase, Cochrane, WorldCat, Dimension, OpenGrey, EBSCO, DOAJ, CINAHL, and Google scholar search engines. Studies that reported the prevalence of AKI due to methanol poisoning were included in this review study.
Results: Results demonstrated that six studies from five countries, with a sample size of 816 methanol intoxication patients, were included in this study. Mean AKI prevalence in all reviewed studies was 28.18%; Gender male, hypertension, older age, anemia, alcohol addiction, metabolic acidosis, high blood osmolality, high Formate concentration, alcohol overdose, sepsis, rhabdomyolysis, acute pancreatitis, and volume depletion were the reported AKI predictors in the reviewed studies.
Conclusion: Identifying the AKI prevalence and its predictor factors in patients with methanol intoxication can help in their quick diagnosis, timely treatment, and reduce the subsequent complications.